Health, accident, and third-party insurance
1. Health insurance
According to § 5 para 1 No. 9 of Book V of the German Social Code, every student must be registered for compulsory insurance in the public health insurance system.
The necessary confirmation, without which enrolment cannot be conducted, is issued by any of the statutory health insurance fund selected, or the statutory health insurance fund with whom the student is insured, or which could be selected.
Students who are not insured or who wish to be exempted from compulsory insurance (those privately insured), require confirmation form the responsible statutory health insurance fund, that they are free to take out insurance either with a statutory or private health insurance fund, or are exempt from compulsory health insurance, or are not subject to compulsory insurance. This applies especially to student who are exempt from insurance (e.g. public servants, judges), who equally must present the appropriate certification from the insurance fund responsible.
Details can be found in the information sheet of the German Federal Associations of the health insurance funds , an example of the form the confirmation should take can be found here. The legal basis is the Student Health Insurance Reporting Ordinance.
Further information on certificate of insurance, which must be submitted for enrolment, can be found on the following Webpage or at the following pdf-Document.
When enrolling for a doctoral programme, no proof of health insurance cover is required. However, anyone travelling to Germany with a visa must prove that they have health insurance cover in the event of illness. Further information on health insurance for international doctoral researchers can be found on the Welcome Services website.
2. Accident insurance
During the course of their studies at the University of Bayreuth, all students are insured by the statutory accident insurance. Insurance cover extends to activity during education and training at the university, i.e. It must be activity related to the course of studies carried out in direct temporal and spatial proximity to university. Accidents on the way to and from the training facility (University) are covered.
In the case of internships, the university has no direct influence on the way in which the internship is carried out or the course of the internship. During the internship, the students integrate themselves into the work process and thus fulfill the requirements for dependent employees according to §2 para. 1 no. 1 SGB VII. It is irrelevant whether it is a compulsory internship or a voluntary internship. The responsible internship company is responsible for statutory accident insurance cover (§133 Para.1 SGB VIII).
Accident insurance cover during participation in University Sport only applies to officially organised, methodical and practical sporting exercises. During informal sporting activity (not an official event of the University), there is no insurance cover from the statutory accident insurance.
Neither does accident insurance extend to non-student participants (e.g. visiting students, staff). It is recommended that you check and complement your private insurance cover where necessary.
More information on insurance cover and on the benefits of the statutory accident insurance can by found on the internet under
3. Reporting of accidents
Accidents are to be reported immediately to the Safety Engineer of the University of Bayreuth,
Herrn Dipl.-Ing.(FH) Dieter Spörl,
Buildings & Grounds Maintenance, Room 2.07, Tel.-No.: 0921/55-2112
Report of the accident should go to the Safety Officer named in the course catalogue for the respective area, using the appropriate form. Delayed accident reporting to the insurer responsible for the University of Bayreuth, the Bayerische Landesunfallkasse (Bavarian Accident Insurance Fund), 80791 München,Tel.: 089/360 93-0,, may disrupt the proper assessment procedure, and in certain cases could result in exclusion of benefits.
Information from the Landesunfallkasse on statutory accident insurance cover at universities (GUV-SI 8083 April 2008).
4. Liability insurance
In general, compensation is payable for any personal injury or damage to property caused by the culpable action of a student. This risk can be covered by taking out liability insurance.