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Information for students of law in examination proceedings

Students who are in the examination process for the First Law Examination and intend to remain enrolled after its completion in order to improve their grades or take additional courses (e.g. WiWiZ) should not re-register until they have received their examination certificate. Certificates are usually issued in February for the summer semester and in July/August for the winter semester.

Re-registration in time is possible, but not advisable, since a change for the purpose of grade improvement or to take one of the additional courses can only be made after receipt of the examination certificate. Re-registration must be requested separately (see below).

Moreover, students receiving their diploma certificate, regardless of any re-enrolment attempted, are “by operation of law” - Art. 49 para. 1 BayHSchG (Bavarian Colleges and Universities Law) - de-registered at the end of the semester in which they receive their certificate, regardless of any re-registration that may have taken place.

Due to the late announcement of the examination results by the State Judicial Examination Office, the Student Secretariat can only administratively complete the exmatriculation after the end of the respective semester. This sometimes results in students who have re-registered receiving a notice of "retroactive" exmatriculation. Therefore, please apply for exmatriculation in good time (by the end of February or by mid-September) by submitting your examination certificate (original and copy) to the Registrar's Office. Please then submit the application for grade improvement. Please refer to the application form for other documents you need to submit.

Further information on the subject of de-registration can be found on the pages of the Administrative Office of the State Courts - Examination Division in Bavaria.

Webmaster: Lena Uhlig

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